Monday, June 4, 2012

Digital story telling

Digital story telling

Story telling, is not strange anymore in our ear since we move on the field of English education, because it is kind of technique mostly used by English teachers to enhance speaking skill. But, it, sometimes, makes students bored and surfeited if the teacher simply presents it in the same way for many times. Teachers should be creative at designing the material to be much more interesting and amazing on behalf of arising students' interest in learning English and paying attention to teacher. Here, I present the breakthrough to present the story telling to be much more fascinating. Besides, telling the story, students can visualize the picture, so it can trigger the students’ memory. It will facilitate them in imagining the story. It also can not only be used to tell story orally but also with writing.
Here is the example of digital story telling designed by using writing accompanied by music. Click here  

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